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Vetus TWINLINE extraction ventilator

Vetus TWINLINE extraction ventilator
Buying information Part Number: TWINLINE £37.96 inc VAT


We do not recommend using these extraction ventilators to provide air to the main engine(s). Every marine engine is able to draw sufficient air by itself, provided of course, that the ventilations openings to the engine room are adequate. If an extraction ventilator is placed in the air duct, the electric motor may overheat, as the suction power of the engine will cause the fan to over - rotate.

The purpose of these Vetus ventilators, is to extract the heat from the engine room when the engines are stopped, or, when petrol engines are installed, to extract any possible petrol vapours prior to starting the engine(s).


For installation into blower hose with an internal diameter of 76 mm

  • Ignition protected
  • Complies with ISO 9097 marine standard.
  • Capacity 4 m3 per minute.
  • Static pressure: 36 mm H2O.
  • Available in 12 V - 2.8A max.
  • Suited to fit dia. 78mm I.D. hose
  • Hose may be connected to Scirocco or Typhoon Shell ventilators.


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